Helg, v.34
Helg nu ju, men segt att sitta hemma och plugga med ett kokande huvud som känns som om det kommer att explodera av överhettning när som helst. Har nog druckit 20 liter vatten, men inte hjälper det. Haha!
Tur att jag har världens bästa tjej som flickvän då! ♥ jag vet inte hur, men du lindrar allt :) älskar dig ♥ du är världens vackraste! ♥
Tur att jag har världens bästa tjej som flickvän då! ♥ jag vet inte hur, men du lindrar allt :) älskar dig ♥ du är världens vackraste! ♥
L.I.N.A (Love Is Never Accurate)
How can i tell you, what i feel
when every word i know just isn't enough
What can i say, about my smile
when you say "i'll never go away"
Well here i am, hold my hand
togheter we can make anything
I'll stay forever, though i can't describe
with perfect words what you are in my eyes
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always
I'm standing here, outside your door
thinking about all the thing i've said before
'Cause everytime, i say "you're mine"
i mean it more, and more and baby I
I would reach for the stars, if you asked me to
i do anything, because i love you
And if i could, i would rip out my heart
just to show you, that i won't fall apart
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always
You are one of the kind, you're the reason for me to smile
You're as beautiful as the sea, with those eyes you make me believe
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always
- en sång till den finaste! :)♥ lina ♥
How can i tell you, what i feel
when every word i know just isn't enough
What can i say, about my smile
when you say "i'll never go away"
Well here i am, hold my hand
togheter we can make anything
I'll stay forever, though i can't describe
with perfect words what you are in my eyes
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always
I'm standing here, outside your door
thinking about all the thing i've said before
'Cause everytime, i say "you're mine"
i mean it more, and more and baby I
I would reach for the stars, if you asked me to
i do anything, because i love you
And if i could, i would rip out my heart
just to show you, that i won't fall apart
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always
You are one of the kind, you're the reason for me to smile
You're as beautiful as the sea, with those eyes you make me believe
Because the Love is never accurate
well i know i, can't explain
What i'm feeling for you is so great
though it's hard, i know it's faith
Since the first day you walked in
to my life i knew, this is it
This is the girl i want to spend
every singel day with, forever and always ♥♥♥
27/6 -------> 2 månader senare ♥
Det är otroligt hur tiden går när man är kär! Och jag är så otroligt kär i dig lina. Vill inte ens vara en enda minut utan dig. Du är tjejen i mitt liv som lyser upp vägen när det är som mörkast. Utan dig finner jag inte den otroliga glädjen i att försöka fortsätta framåt med saker :)♥ dessa två månader har varit UNDERBARA!! Helt obeskrivligt underbara. Varje dag med dig blir perfekt, och du behöver aldrig någon gång vara orolig, för jag tänker aldrig lämna dig :)♥ det finns ingen konkurrans mot dig, för ingen är ens i närheten av det som du är! ♥

lina ♥ MIN! puss på dig! ♥